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Archive | Video marketing

How to Make Videos That Drive Targeted Traffic to Your Website

The Internet has some awesome features. For one thing, it is a global village in which all participants, buyers and sellers, can communicate and make deals without fear of retribution. It is one giant marketplace with the potential to make anything happen, so long as the participants intend to put forth a good deal of effort into it.

The potential for online success with video marketing is huge, as it is much easier than traditional methods to get your message across to millions of viewers. It doesn’t cost anything to set up a video account with many popular video sites, and a couple of minutes to put up a simple little video clip. And when you actually show up on the video, if it’s a good video clip you will have a huge audience willing to watch it.

So here’s how you should go about making video marketing work for you:

1. Find a site that gets a ton of traffic. I know you’ve heard this before, but it bears repeating, because it is true. Find a video site that gets a ton of traffic and make sure it has similar video features as your own site. This will help your marketing efforts tremendously.

2. Decide what your video is going to be about. In other words, you need to have a game plan. Are you going to make a marketing video, or are you going to make a tutorial video? Decide this first, because then you can focus on making only the best video on the site.

3. Pick an approach that is going to make you feel confident and in control. The last thing you want is to walk into a store and feel intimidated because you don’t know what to say or do. Make sure the video you select gives you license to be sloppy. Be yourself. Be authentic. Be your most true self. This will create a powerful, positive image for you, and this will help reinforce the message you want to send to viewers.

4. Practice what you’ll say. The best way to sound authentic in a video is to speak to your self in the mirror a few times as you prepare to speak. Make sure you sound like you are in total control of your message. Remember, if you sound nervous or insecure in a video, your viewers are going to have the impression that you are less than perfect.

5. Smile. This one is simple and easy. If you don’t smile, you look like you don’t feel like talking. If you don’t smile, you look like you are scared stiff to talk. So make sure you are smiling.

I know that these tips will make you feel a little nervous, but you have to get over it. Relax and focus on making the best video you can. If you focus on the quality of your video, you will be rewarded for your efforts. So focus on the quality of your video, and getting into the flow of how you want to deliver your message.

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